Friday, May 20, 2016

Squat Challenge Week 4: Will I ever get into a deep squat???

CAN and SHOULD everyone be able to do a perfect deep squat? Not necessarily.

Everyone has slightly different anatomy, therefore it may not be possible to achieve the exact same squat as another person. Injury and disease can also permanently change the way the body moves. These are some examples of things you may not be able to change. However, the way muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons function can also be a product of HOW you use them. With disuse the body can become immobile, tight, off balance and stiff. The human body can and will adapt to the environment it is placed in! Some cultures utilize deep squatting daily as a working, resting and elimination position. Western culture takes advantage of more 'comfortable' positions like chairs, couches and toilets. Maybe my biggest issue is not my stiff ankles but the absence of daily squatting over the last 30 years (which has potentially lead to the stiff ankles... this may be a chicken and the egg conversation).

This concept is something I try to discuss with my prenatal moms who want to have a natural delivery. Squatting during labor and delivery is good in theory but you have to make sure you take the appropriate steps to ensure you are actually able to squat before the big day. It may take months to achieve a squat position that you are comfortable in.

The take home message here is many things will affect your ability to squat... some things you can't change and some things you can. Work on the things you can change and you may find that you end up with a pretty darn close to perfect deep squat. Lastly, keep in mind it might take some time to un-do 30+ years of non squatting so be patient with your deep squat!

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